Smart 1040 hosted six-week tax planning for financial independence to a group of young professionals. The last class was run by four coaches of Smart 1040, all Coach Mike’s children.
View the class at:
1. Olesia talked about budgeting. Budget does not mean you have live your life on a tight budget.
2. Chris talked about using his single member LLC (Nieviation Consulting LLC) to earned 1099 NEC income by teaching flying.
3. Sasha talked about the latte factor. How a $5/day latte could destroy your financial freedom dream.
4. Kevin shared his experience of “pay yourself first,” and “let money work for you, not you work for money.”
Lastly, all shared one Toastmasters table topic question: if you leave no money to your descend, and you only leave one financial wisdom as an advice, what will it be, and why?
1. Olesia: save now. Let it compound.
2. Chris: take some risks. Most young people regret they did not fly as a pilot.
3. Sasha: set a goal.
4. Kevin: do not catch up with the Jones.
Psalm 145:4 ESV: “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”
Smart 1040 LLC is a Christiane-based tax planning company, and we use biblical verses to inspire young pros.
About tax and financial planning learning experience
"It’s not about how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for." – Robert Kiyosaki
"Tax planning is a means to an end: wealth creation. The earlier you start, the bigger the benefits."
Kevin explained the meaning of (1) living within the means; (2) paying yourself first; and (3) letting money work for you rather you work for the money.
"The best time to start saving was yesterday. The second best time is now." - A Chinese Proverb
Our team can provide expert tax consulting services for any tax issue you may be facing. Let us help you find the best solution for your tax needs.
VSA诚邀您参加11月9日晚8点的讲座,资深专家Mike 教官将从十大税务规划建议为您深入解析CSS和FAFSA。无论您是高净值家庭还是低收入家庭,都能找到适合的规划方案。
Date: Saturday 11/9/2024 8 PM Eastern. VSA Zoom ID. Registration required. Free workshop
We offer tax consult and training for individuals and businesses who want to learn more about tax rules and regulations.
"你挣多少不重要,你能留住多少才重要“ —- 税务专家Mike Nie 的讲座会是一场"及时雨
我承认,咱们的标题有点"哗众取宠",钱嘛当然是挣得越多,税后就会留得越多! 嗨, 那可真不一定。美国复杂的税法有一条条杠杠,一条条划线, 有时你多挣上一点,正好触线,税后收入可能比挣得少一点儿反而更低。
当然,这并不是本文的主题。 为Uncle Sam打工是在美干饭人或老板都不可避免的, 也是天经地义的。上税是公民的义务、责任也是光荣。 但是如果你了解并掌握了合理合法节税的知识, 那你不仅可以为家庭保留更多的劳动果实, 也可以把省下的资金投入到你直接关心的身边社区的公益中。
我听了一次Mike的公益讲座。 有二十余年实战经验, 拥有MBA学位及多种财务税务行业认证的Mike就讲了一对夫妻例子。夫妻俩一人上班年收入15万,另一位是全职研究生。 通过合理的税务规划实现了当年0 税负。
也许有人说, 交税吗, "我年底买一份TurboTax 软件算一算就知道哪里能省。” 此话差矣, 此时已是"事后”, 只是正确报税的范畴。 真正的规划, 比如孩子教育基金, 自己存401K各种选择,退休安排, 那都要多年前预先规划并操作, 才能达到节税效果。
也许有人说,税务知识嘛, 我google搜索一下, 读本书就可以。 这些确实有助于积累知识点, 但需要投入很多时间长期积累才会有比较深入了解。 就说google, 找到知识点很象一棵一棵树,但你很难见到林, 很难有全局的认识。 而且要有稍好一点的搜索效果, 你首先要有对很多行内概念的了解, 这对极大多数行外人士是个很大挑战。
有多年实务经验, 见识并已帮助了行行色色背景不一的很多客户进行税务规划的Mike 正好填补了这个空缺。
10月6日起, Mike 㩗手非营利CAN平台, 为社区带来连续六次实用的税务规划讲座, 这些讲座老少咸宜, 尤其对刚开始工作的年轻人及接近退休的留一代将特别有帮助。六次课程总计费用只要300元/人,而一贯热心公益的Mike 承诺捐助一半课程收入给CAN平台发展公益事业。
特别是Mike 这次给CAN平台成员带来特殊的"一人交费,全家上课"福利。CAN平台非常感谢Mike 的热心和慷慨。
啥也不多说了。 强烈推荐大家报名听课。 不夸张地说,如果听众能从六次课程获得的知识作为起点及契机,来良好安排并规划今后家庭税务, 那今后能省税的潜力可能会超过课费好多倍, 而且全家几代人可能多年受益。
Tax Planning Class上课时间是六个周日晚上9 - 10pm ET, starting from 10/6/24.
Bonus: 孩子报名,家长可免费旁听。另外如果某次课有时间冲突错过了,会有视频回放。
CAN (Chinese American Network)或美华网络,是一个注册于美国伊利诺伊州的 501(c)(3) 非营利组织。
CAN平台致力于为华人家庭,华人子弟打造温馨和谐的交流、成长及发展平台, 拥有并运营[美国名校ABC相亲群]系列(包括HYPSM五校群,晒贴群及十几个热点地区区域相亲群等),[北美留学生相亲群]系列, 热点市场[租房找房群]系列, [美国名校家长AI应用交流群]系列,[CAN平台实习+内推+职场群]系列,[CAN财务税务研讨群],[与成年子女交流与沟通群] 等上百个主题群。CAN超百名义工服务遍布北美的数千个CAN社区华人家庭。
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